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Colonial Parkway

A scenic 23-mile drive

Country Roadway with fall colors surrounding the sides of the road.

The Colonial Parkway is a scenic 23-mile drive linking three significant historic attractions. It is a 10-mile drive from Williamsburg to Jamestown. This drive carries you through the woods and over creeks to the edge of the James River. There are pull-offs to enjoy the view, with markers of historical interest. Yorktown is 13 miles from Williamsburg in the opposite direction. Like the Jamestown trip, the road carries you through the beautiful scenery of Virginia woods and waterways.

The parkway’s design is meticulously crafted to provide a protective view shed with little modern intrusion. The absence of traffic signs and road markings lends this aggregate road a serene, country road ambiance, perfect for a peaceful drive.

We recommend adding the following activities to your Williamsburg itinerary:

"Another tip Billy gave us was to take the Colonial Parkway from Williamsburg to Jamestown. It was a beautiful drive."

~ Becky

Colonial parkway with green grass, and arched brick bridges above the road

Traveling the Parkway

Historic Sites and Wildlife

Except for tour buses, commercial vehicles are prohibited from the parkway. With the initiation of the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg in 1926, a parallel effort was made to create the parkway, promote tourism in the area, and preserve historic sites. As you drive along the parkway, you will enjoy seeing many varieties of wildlife. In the Jamestown area, the re-emergence of the American Bald Eagle has been very strong, and you may see one.