Colonial Williamsburg Vacation Package
Museums & surrounding historic area exhibits
At Fife and Drum Inn, we know how important it is to enjoy your time away from home. Using our 40 years of area experience, we have crafted the following Williamsburg Package that will maximize your weekend getaway or vacation.

Colonial Williamsburg Vacation Package
3 Days - 2 Nights
Our Colonial Williamsburg vacation package allows you to venture throughout the surrounding 301-acre Historic Williamsburg, known as the world’s largest living history museum.
- The indicated number of nights stay at the Fife and Drum Inn
- Continental breakfast each morning
- Three-day admission to all Colonial Williamsburg museums and Historical Area exhibits
Booking your room and securing the Colonial Williamsburg Package easy. Mention it during your reservation, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Adds $59.49 per person
ticket prices are subject to change without notice